Warblers. They roam and skip from whatever tree has the best bug or berry. You never know where they are because they blend in so well with their surroundings. Most follow the migration rules while others break free and go....wherever the wind carries them.
And like an eastern warbler in western territory, I feel like one of those gypsy rarities that show up in the weirdest locations. I feel like I'm in my 20's again rediscovering my freedom. Each day a new one. Fresh and different. It's reinvigorating. Who knows where the wind will carry me?
Yellow Admiral
I hadn't seen my friend Heidi in the longest time. She has always been a touchstone in my life. Never judging. Always finding the good in everyone's heart. And when I was with her in Wellington, I was reminded of the promise I made to myself at the beginning of my adventures...be true to who I am. I am a gypsy and I love travel. And I love serendipity. Since this summer, the life changes between Wellington and the present day have been a stressful one but it has also been a rewarding one as I restructure this life.
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
The birding is much much more personal now. When I submit myself to the natural world, it's often alone so that I can meditate and commune with the living things around me. I try to avoid the crowds as much as I can. I've also slowed down how often I go out as I prioritize my life.
Orange-crowned Warbler
I am more aware of the things around me. I am in tune with my feelings and emotions.
Pacific Wren
If I don't like something, I let it go. It wasn't meant to be held in the first place.
Lesser Goldfinch
How is it that the older we get, the faster things go? I am cautious as I move forward, but I won't sit and rot away. And wait. I feel lighter. Happier. Like a weight has been lifted.
Tennessee Warbler
So I started the year off trying to see as many rare warblers as I could. It's my personal goal this year. So far, it has been pretty good. Most have all been eastern rarities.
Why? Think about the stray rare warbler. It moves where it needs to be. It adapts and feeds where food is present. And it's alone. Unique among the other feathered residents. We can find our own personal meanings with nature. We just have to look.
Yellow-throated Warbler
One day, the warbler will randomly show up and make your eyes linger a bit longer. But then it goes. And it was meant to go. However, some stick around for a longer time, worthy of several studies. Ultimately, they continue their journey elsewhere.
Tennessee Warbler
But they were ultimately wonderful moments that are not forgotten. The experience was worth it.
Black-and-white Warbler
But it's the one that returns that brings the greatest joy. On a spring morning, I hear the call of the Lucy's Warbler and am reminded of renewal. The one true and steady warbler that you can always rely on during this time of year.
Lucy's Warbler
I am that rare warbler wandering into new areas now. And it's okay to stay or go as I please. Maybe for a moment. Maybe for a time. Maybe longer.
Black-throated Blue Warbler
However, while I've been looking at warblers this year, I can't help but notice a good sparrow or two:) It's my life. I can do what I want now without compromises.

White-crowned Sparrow
It's a new chapter in life with the pages just waiting to be written. And that's a beautiful thing. Until next time......
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