The Pressure Cooker

These days, it feels like so much is going on that it prohibits me from doing a nice full day of birding. I am so grateful for my bird feeders because I get to see some wonderful birds this time of year when I can't go birding. 

Work has been very draining this year. Years of stress have finally caught up. Honestly, it's all a bit much and I was starting to lose my mind.  Instead of being the victim, I took control of my life and started interviewing for new jobs.  It's easy to let things slip when you've been at a place for over 2 decades. No more.  I am thrilled to join the staff at a middle school full of talented and kind people. They also have a couple birders as well. This opens the door for me to begin a birder's club for kids. I am super thrilled about this new and exciting challenge. 

Gray Hawk
So when I get a chance to bird in April, it's a treat.  I've had clients from South Carolina and a few weekend engagements.  One of my favorites is Boyce Thompson Arboretum. 

                                                                    Boyce Thompson Arboretum
This place is SO nice to visit in spring.  The walk is lovely and the birds are wonderful. I added my FOY, Bell's Vireo, to my year list. 

                                                                              Anna's Hummingbird
It's also a great time to photograph or film hummingbirds feed from our beautiful wildflowers. 

As I end this school year, I start planning for the upcoming events.  Currently, the Wrenegades are back in full force!  We're getting ready to do our fundraising trek for Tucson Audubon. 

                                                                              Bell's Vireo
Change is in the air along with a lot of research. As I've mentioned, work has really taken a lot out of me this year.  It has not been an easy year for teachers. Many are leaving the profession at an alarming rate. 

                                                                          Cliff Swallow
 But one thing is certain. Birds bring me balance and help me center myself.  I have to promise myself to bird alone.  I bird with others often and it's fun.  However, it's important to allow myself alone time and not feel guilty for doing it. 

There are signs all around me.  I just need to have the courage and believe that even after 50, there are new adventures awaiting.  As April moves on, I am witnessing new beginnings and I am truly excited about it. 


  1. Congrats on your new job! Birding is a joy and a peaceful time spent surrounded by nature. Love your bird photos, great sightings. Have a happy new week!

    1. Thank you! It is all about balance. Hope you are having a great week as well:)

  2. Congratulations on the new job Chris. Love the hummingbirds and scenery - so different to anything over here though thank goodness we don't have rattlesnakes!!!

    1. But you do have those other snakes there....the Adder! Love to see one of those...from a distance. Hope you are well! Hugs!


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